


株式会社Global Step Academyが教育コンサルティング事業拡充、4歳から18歳の子供を対象とした一貫した教育サービスを提供

株式会社Global Step Academy(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:モントゴメリー 道緒、以下グローバルステップアカデミー)は、米国のスタートアップ事業WeAdmit Technologies Inc. (Headquarter:Califorina, USA、Chief Executive Officer:Leo Sanada、以下WeAdmit) と戦略的事業提携を締結しましたことをお知らせ致します。

「WeAdmit は米国のトップランク大学への進学を目指す受験生が世界のどこからでも進学コンサルティングサポートを受けることができるデジタルネイティブ向けの大学受験コンサルティングプラクティスを構築しました。今回の業務提携により、各社がそれぞれの事業分野で培ってきた経験と知見を活かし、今後、国内顧客向け新サービスの開発に共に取り組む機会が設けられました。WeAdmitは次代を担うグローバルステップアカデミーコミュニティーの生徒一人ひとりのサポートができることを楽しみにしています。」とWeAdmitのCEOである Leo Sanada氏は述べています。

株式会社Global Step Academyについて

Global Step Academyは、世界中の子供たちに国際教育と学習サポートを提供するグローバル教育サービスです。GSAのコアカリキュラムは、英語基礎の強化を目指すだけでなく、お子様が学習したことを実社会に応用しながら、自信や知識など国際人として必要なスキルを養うことで、お子様が明るい未来を築けるように導きます。
日本国内で運営しているインターナショナルスクールでは、献身的で優秀な教師陣による英語教育を提供しております。また、キャンパスに通えないお子様や義務教育を受けているお子様でもインターナショナルスクールの教育をオンラインで受けられるオンラインインターナショナル教育も提供しております。GSAが運営するコンサルティングサービスは、事前準備から現地でのサポートまで海外留学への道のりを全面的にサポートします。Global Step Academyはお子様がグローバル社会で活躍するための第一歩を踏み出すお手伝いをします。

所在地:東京都港区麻布台3-1-5 麻布台日ノ樹ビル602
資本金 596,022,472円(資本準備金含む)
代表者:代表取締役社長 モントゴメリー道緒

Global Step Academy Expands its Educational Consulting Service to Provide Comprehensive Education Support for 4 to 18 years olds

Japanese International Education Group Global Step Academy announced a partnership with U.S. based firm WeAdmit Technologies, Inc.. For 25 years, Global Step Academy has been offering educational consulting services to students and their parents in Japan, assisting them in their school application process for high schools as well as colleges around the world. Now they are strengthening their service for college admissions by partnering up with the Silicon Valley educational technology startup firm: WeAdmit.

“WeAdmit has built a digital-native college counseling practice to navigate students to excellent U.S. colleges and universities no matter where they live.” says Leo Sanada, CEO, WeAdmit. “This partnership opens up tremendous opportunities for us to co-create programs tailored to families in Japan, combining expertise that both GSA and WeAdmit have nurtured in their respective markets. We look forward to working with many aspirational students who are in the amazing GSA community.”

The partnership between Global Step Academy and WeAdmit has combined the best of both companies: the experiences and knowledge in supporting students and families in international environments, with a user-friendly systemized platform catered to make the application and admission process easy and transparent. WeAdmit centralizes all the information students and parents need for school applications, with the built in functionality to track and remind students’ progress on each and every step, making sure they are staying on top of their target. This, together with the international education services offered by Global Step Academy’s online learning platform, will provide your children with a highway to gain a strong foundation in global education, helping them build up the strength and skill-sets they need to have in entering a rapidly globalizing world.

“Global Step Academy was founded with the hope to provide a mid-long term educational support model for families that are looking for an international education path for their children. We offer services that build a solid foundation for children’s English language ability, and connect it with English-based education. We also help families find the best-fit school worldwide through our educational consulting service; the newly founded partnership with WeAdmit provides an upgraded user-experience, which enables families to access school admission around the globe with ease. It would be the most effective way to use our consulting service.”

About Global Step Academy

Global Step Academy provides educational services and support to students all over the world. Our core curriculum is focused on building foundational English skills and applying them to a variety of topics to prepare confident and intelligent global citizens for a rapidly growing and changing world.

We offer courses at our physical campuses in Japan with passionate and qualified teachers as well as online course options for our remote students. We also offer consultation services to support students in their preparations for studying abroad. Whether online or on campus, Global Step Academy helps students take the first step to excelling in our global world.

WeAdmit Technologies Inc.

Founder and CEO: Ryo Sanada
Address: 101 Jefferson Drive, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, United States
Founded Date: 2017-09
Contact: (408) 320-5316 hello@weadmit.com
Website: https://www.weadmit.com/
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