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株式会社FISCO JCN Newswire

Pertamina Sets Initiatives to Expedite Energy Transition

JAKARTA, Mar 21, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - PT Pertamina (Persaro), the state-owned energy company serving Indonesia as well as international markets, has set several initiatives to accelerate its energy transition toward the 2030 target energy mix and to reduce emissions, ensuring...
提供元:JCN Newswire

SCCG Venture Fund Makes Investment in Playcaller

LAS VEGAS, NV, Mar 21, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Stephen Crystal announced today one of the first gaming opportunity investments in PLAYCALLER, a Client Partner of SCCG Management, offering strategic support and business development. The SCCG Venture Fund ("SCCG VF"),...
提供元:JCN Newswire

Indonesia's Pertamina Accelerates Energy Transition

JAKARTA, Mar 20, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - State-owned PT Pertamina (Persero), an energy company that has been active in the global arena, reaffirmed its commitment as a company that cares about the environment, social aspects and good corporate governance, setting the energy tran...
提供元:JCN Newswire

JuicyFields Group Announces Partnership with Two Denmark Large Productions

Valencia, Spain, Mar 18, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Two large European productions with recognized products agreed to cooperate with JuicyFields on a 'higher' scale in Denmark.JuicyFields management is treating its cultivating partners very seriously, by providing them comprehensive...
提供元:JCN Newswire

Viblos Announces the Launch of Its Decentralized Social Media Project

Tallin, Estonia, Mar 19, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Viblos announces the launch of its decentralized social media project. Viblos is a next-generation decentralized social platform that aims to democratize social media networks in order to help consumers and content providers to bui...
提供元:JCN Newswire

NexBloc Launches FREEDOM Blockchain Top-Level Domain to Support Global Humanitarian Relief

Tortola, British Virgin Islands, Mar 19, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - NexBloc today announced the creation of the .freedom blockchain top-level domain (bTLD) for use in Web 3.0. Anyone worldwide can purchase .freedom domains such as yourname.freedom with net proceeds going toward glo...
提供元:JCN Newswire

8,000 talents join FILMART Online and EntertainmentPulse

HONG KONG, Mar 18, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), FILMART Online and the first edition of EntertainmentPulse both received an enthusiastic response. The four-day virtual events brought together around 8,000 industry talents ...
提供元:JCN Newswire

HKTDC MarketingPulse and eTailingPulse draw more than 25,000 viewers

HONG KONG, Mar 18, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - MarketingPulse and eTailingPulse, Asia's premier marketing and e-tailing events organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), concluded successfully yesterday. Held under the theme "Together, We Create", t...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Mar 18, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 三菱重工業は、当社三原製作所(広島県三原市)の各工場から排出されるCO2を2023年度末までに完全にゼロとし、三原地区における”カーボンニュートラル工場”の実現を目指し...
提供元:JCN Newswire


HIROSHIMA, Japan, Mar 18, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - マツダ株式会社は、2022年4月1日付で下記の通り組織改革と人事異動を行います。 1. 組織改革 (1)MaaS事業領域 <目的> - 進展の速いCASEやデジタル化による新たなモ...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Mar 18, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - KDDI株式会社(本社: 東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長: ?橋 誠、以下 KDDI)様は、2022年1月から2月までに日本で初めて(注1)、量子インスパイアード技術である当社の「デジタル...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Mar 18, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 株式会社日立製作所(以下、日立)は、このたび、大阪市水道局と、浄水場の運転ノウハウを形式知化したナレッジシステムを構築するとともに、AI活用による運転操作提案とノウ...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Mar 18, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 三菱重工業株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、以下、三菱重工)ならびに商業宇宙分野におけるリーディングカンパニーであるシエラスペース社(Sierra Space Corporation、本社:米国...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Mar 18, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 国立大学法人東北大学 大学院工学研究科(注1)、同 大学院情報科学研究科(注2)、同 サイバーサイエンスセンター(注3)、日本電気株式会社(注4、以下 NEC)は、航空機の機体・エンジ...
提供元:JCN Newswire

The Metaverse Meets Luxury Fashion: ALTAVA Group Partners with the Sandbox to Launch Exclusive NFT Collection ...

Seoul, Korea, Mar 17, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - ALTAVA Group is proud to announce the partnership with the Sandbox to launch exclusive NFT collection for both metaverse. THERE'S no denying that the metaverse and Web3 is a big deal right now and a new collaboration is about to eleva...
提供元:JCN Newswire

Verse Estate Announces Launch of its Platform

Dubai, UAE, Mar 17, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Verse Estate, the first real estate agency in the Metaverse, has announced the launch of its platform. Verse Estate aims at bridging both the physical and digital worlds by providing hyper-realistic and fully customisable luxury product...
提供元:JCN Newswire
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