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株式会社FISCO JCN Newswire

Beyond Imagination's New Humanoid Robot Will Connect People Coast to Coast Physically

NEW YORK, Apr 23, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Beyond Imagination, Inc. is building humanoid robots to solve the world's labor crisis by expanding access to jobs around the globe. This week, the Beomni robot will appear at Explorers Club Headquarters and at the annual dinner ...
提供元:JCN Newswire

Microsoft, Databricks and 10+ leading giants unleashed their Data Analytics solutions at BYTES 2022

Singapore, Apr 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Amidst skyscraping digitization drives in Southeast Asia, its digital economy is projected to hit $1 trillion by 2030. With colossal volumes of data being generated every second, the region is breeding a multi-billion-dollar Big Data An...
提供元:JCN Newswire

Metallika.Inc Announces Integration of Blockchain to Mining of Natural Resources

NEW YORK, N.Y., Apr 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Metallika.Inc, a global company focusing on the decentralization of mineral mining, has announced the integration of blockchain technology to its mining operations. The processes involved in mining are made up of a lot of stages wi...
提供元:JCN Newswire

Top CX Visionaries to Gather at World CX Summit and Rebuild India's Technological Ecosystem with CX

BANGALORE, INDIA, Apr 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - As companies are emerging stronger from the Covid-19 pandemic, the need is to adapt to the changes in their business functions caused by a once-in-a-lifetime crisis. The way a company interacts with its clients has undergone subs...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Apr 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 三菱重工業は、当社長崎造船所(長崎市飽の浦町)の敷地内で航空エンジン部品の製造を手掛ける三菱重工航空エンジン株式会社(MHIAEL、社長:牛田 正紀、本社:愛知県小牧市...
提供元:JCN Newswire

Heroes of Arcan, the DAO-Powered Heroic Fantasy Play-to-Earn Game, Announces Upcoming Token Sale

Tallinn, Estonia, Apr 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Heroes of Arcan, an upcoming play-to-earn epic heroic fantasy game that aims to place the destiny of the world of Arcan in the hands of players for both in-game action and development is set to launch a token and NFT sale event in...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Apr 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 三菱重工業は、CO2および再生可能エネルギーから生成可能なカーボンリサイクル燃料「エレクトロフューエル(Electrofuels(TM))」の日本市場への展開について、同燃料への先進的...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Apr 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 2050年カーボンニュートラルの実現に向けて、電力分野での脱炭素化に加えて、製鉄、運輸等の分野での脱炭素化が必要となります。その実現に向けて、水素エネルギーの利活用...
提供元:JCN Newswire


Toyota City, Japan, Apr 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - トヨタ自動車(株)(以下、トヨタ)は、2022年5月1日付の役員人事および幹部職人事について発表しました。 1. 退任執行役員(1名) 氏名:岡田 政道 2. 幹部職の...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Apr 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 三菱自動車工業株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表執行役社長兼最高経営責任者:加藤 隆雄、以下三菱自動車)は、軽商用車『ミニキャブバン』『ミニキャブトラック』のエン...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Apr 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 株式会社日立製作所(以下、日立)は、本日、中華人民共和国(以下、中国)・アジアにおける昇降機事業基盤の強化に向けて、台湾の昇降機製造・販売・サービス子会社である...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Apr 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 富士通株式会社(注1、以下 富士通)と株式会社電通グループ(注2)傘下の株式会社電通(注3、以下 電通)及び株式会社電通国際情報サービス(注4、以下 ISID)は、顧客起点で...
提供元:JCN Newswire

ACROMETA clinches record $31 million contract for semiconductor industry

SINGAPORE, Apr 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Catalist-listed AcroMeta Group Limited (ACROMETA; SGX: 43F), today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary AcroMec Engineers Pte Ltd (ACROMEC) has won a $31 million contract for the fit-out of an additional floor within the existing ...
提供元:JCN Newswire

G20 urges World Bank to prepare FIF Establishment: Indrawati

Washington, Apr 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - G20 members have urged the World Bank to immediately prepare for the establishment of the Financial Intermediary Fund (FIF), Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati stated. FIF should be formed immediately in the framework of pandemic p...
提供元:JCN Newswire

G20 hopes Indonesia's G20 Presidency finds solution to Global Economic Impact of Russia-Ukraine conflict

Washington, Apr 21, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - The second G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) meeting expects Indonesia's G20 Presidency to bring about a solution to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati stated. ...
提供元:JCN Newswire

U-Boat Worx launches 9-person flagship lithium-ion battery submersible NEXUS

AMSTERDAM, Apr 21, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Dutch submersible manufacturer U-Boat Worx (www.uboatworx.com) breaks the mould with the launch of the NEXUS series. U-Boat Worx is the market leader in private and commercial submersibles. Since 2017, the company has sold more than 20 ...
提供元:JCN Newswire
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