






今回の調査結果は、国際会計事務所グループGrant Thorntonが2013年3月に発表した報告書[1] でも裏付けられており、経営幹部への女性の登用という点では中国が世界で最も進んでいるのに対し、日本は調査対象となった44カ国中最下位となっています。

MasterCard[2] が昨年3月に発表した調査結果でも、中国では男性の企業経営者100人に対して女性の企業経営者の割合が40.9人となり、日本(男性の企業経営者100人に対して助成企業経営者が21.2人)を大幅に上回っています。

また、マッキンゼーが2012年6月に発表した報告書「Women Matter:An Asian Perspective(女性が企業にもたらすインパクト:アジア諸国の現状)」[3]によれば、日本はアジアの中でも役員や経営幹部における女性の割合が最低水準になっています。












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Thursday 27 February, 2014

Japan fails to achieve diversity at the top

Just 15 per cent of management positions in Japan are held by women, which is well below the average found across Asia, according to a survey of employers by recruiting experts Hays in Japan.

The survey of 2,600 employers, conducted as part of the 2014 Hays Salary Guide, found that across Asia 28 per cent of management roles are held by women. Leading the region for the development of female talent is China, where 36 per cent of management roles are held by women.

China was followed by Hong Kong (33 per cent), Malaysia (29 per cent) and Singapore (27 per cent).

“Japan is falling behind in the diversity stakes,” says Jonathan Sampson, Regional Director of Hays in Japan.

“This is happening despite Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s commitment to tapping into Japan’s ‘most underutilised resource: Japanese women’.”

These findings are supported by a report released by Grant Thornton in March 2013[1] which said that mainland Chinese women topped the world in terms of holding senior business management roles, beating Japan in 44th place.

A separate survey by MasterCard[2], also released in March last year, further supported the finding that mainland women were well represented in business, with 40.9 female business owners to every 100 male ones, higher than in Japan (21.2 female to every 100 male).

Also, according to McKinsey’s report “Women Matter: An Asian Perspective” released in June 2012[3], Japan has one of the lowest levels of female representation on boards and executive committees in Asia.

“Diversity is increasingly on CEOs agendas as it is seen as a way of improving attraction and retention of staff, better reflecting a company’s customer base and boosting productivity, innovation and financial results,” says Jonathan.

“Despite the compelling business case for diversity in the workforce the number of women participating in management is still relatively low compared to men.

“We will continue to monitor this trend in future years and it will be interesting to watch how quickly organisations come around to developing female staff to expand their talent pool.”

These findings have been released to coincide with International Women's Day, celebrated each year on 8 March. The theme for 2014 calls for challenging the status quo for women's equality and vigilance inspiring positive change.

Below is Hays’ advice to employers who are looking to develop women into management roles:

Measure and report on the proportion of women in your workforce, including at senior levels.

Enable both women and men to balance their work and home lives by embracing flexible working at all levels and train managers to manage based on results, not hours at a desk.

Encourage an attitudinal change towards working flexibly, remotely or part-time: these different ways of working do not indicate a lack of commitment.

Create supportive networks and encourage mentoring opportunities for female managers.

Prepare future female leaders by providing management training and qualifications early in their careers.

Act on the evidence to ensure that women throughout your organisation are given the same opportunities as men to progress.

Get your copy of the 2014 Hays Salary Guide by visiting, contacting your local Hays office or downloading The Hays Salary Guide 2014 iPhone app from iTunes.

Hays, the world’s leading recruiting experts in qualified, professional and skilled people.

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For further information please contact Claire Martin of Hays in Japan on 03 3560 1529 or

About Hays

Hays is the leading global specialist recruiting group. It is the expert at recruiting qualified, professional and skilled people worldwide.

Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan KK ("Hays") is the largest foreign recruitment company in Japan and operates across the private sector, dealing in permanent positions, contract roles and temporary assignments. Hays has been in Japan for more than a decade, and boasts a track record of success and growth.

Hays is the only foreign recruitment company in Japan to operate specialist business units composed of professionals with experience and expertise in the sectors they cover. Hays Japan’s thirteen specialisms span Accountancy & Finance, Banking, Finance Technology, Human Resources, Hays Resource Management, Information Technology, Insurance, Legal, Life Sciences, Office Professionals, Property, Sales & Marketing and Supply Chain.

Hays is also the only foreign recruitment company in Japan to operate three local offices, serving the Kanto region from Akasaka and Shinjuku, and Kansai from central Osaka.

Hays Japan is the local representative office for Hays plc, which is a global company with more than 7,840 staff operating from 239 offices in 33 countries across 20 specialisms.

Hays operates in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Chile, China, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, the UK and the USA.



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