




[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/19297/98/resize/d19297-98-989593-1.jpg ]


株式会社梓設計(本社:東京都品川区、代表取締役社長:杉谷 文彦、以下「梓設計」)は、ソフトバンク株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役 社長執行役員 兼 CEO:宮内 謙、以下「ソフトバンク」)および株式会社ウフル(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長 CEO:園田 崇、以下「ウフル」)と連携して、働く人のパフォーマンスを最大化させる革新的なワークプレイスの実現に向けた実証実験を、梓設計の本社で2019 年9 月30 日から2020 年7 月末まで実施します。



梓設計は、創造性や生産性の向上に加えて、働く人が心身ともに健康な状態であるwell-being(ウェルビーイング)を実現するワークプレイスを構築することを目的に、建物の3 次元のデジタルモデルに、その建物の施設を構成する設備・機器などの製品情報や、位置、数量、価格などの様々な情報を掛け合わせたプラットフォームであるBIM(Building Information Modeling)と、今回の実証実験で収集する各種データを連携させて、より高度な分析を行う予定です。また、WELL Building Standard(WELL 認証)※などの評価指標に即したデータの自動収集も視野に入れて、人のパフォーマンスを最大化させるワークプレイスの実現を推進します。※空間のデザインや構築、運用に、人の健康という視点を加え、より良い居住環境の創造を目指した評価指標のこと。


1946 年創立の所員数六百名を超える国内有数の大手組織設計事務所。ターミナルビル、格納庫など空港分野はトップシェアを持ち、羽田、成田、関空、福岡、新千歳、那覇、中部はじめ多くの地方空港も手掛けています。また、現在では新国立競技場整備事業にも携わり、スポーツ分野でも長らくトップシェア。その他、庁舎、学校などの公共施設をはじめ、ヘルスケア、都市開発、物流、生産の各分野でも多くの実績を持っています。今年8 月に本社を羽田の物流倉庫に統合移転。羽田空港や運河を直下に望む、階高6.6m、100m×60m のメガプレートに、緑溢れる明るく開放的なオフィスを実現。多様なワークスペースを備え、完全フリーアドレスを実施。この新しいオフィスを実験場としイノベーションを生むオフィスのかたちとは何か、追求していきます。

ションを提供しています。スマートフォンを中心とした魅力的なサービスや5G ネットワークで通信事業
を強化するとともに、AI やIoT、ビッグデータなどの活用や、グローバルに事業を展開するグループのテ

株式会社ウフルはIoT 事業を核とし、エッジとクラウドをつなぐIoT オーケストレーションサービス「enebular」を用いて、IoT 領域で顧客のビジネスに変革をもたらし続けています。来る5G の普及に向け、NB-IoT などの通信技術にも取り組んでいます。コンサルタント、エンジニアやクリエーターといった多彩な人材から成るチームにより、IoT 事業を実現するために必要なプロフェッショナルサービスと、事業戦略・技術戦略・コミュニケーション戦略の支援などをワンストップで提供し、お客さまのビジネス創造に努めてまいります。

●SoftBank およびソフトバンクの名称、ロゴは、日本国およびその他の国におけるソフトバンクグループ株式会社の登録商標または商標です。
● その他、このプレスリリースに記載されている会社名および製品・サービス名は、各社の登録商標または商標です。

              Azusa Sekkei Conducts Verification Tests for
                    Innovative Workplace
             in Collaboration with SoftBank Corp. and Uhuru
Analysis and utilization of environmental data and data related to people’s emotions collected at Azusa Sekkei’s headquarters
[画像2: https://prtimes.jp/i/19297/98/resize/d19297-98-989593-1.jpg ]

Image of various data being collected at the workplace

Verification tests to create an innovative workplace
Azusa Sekkei Co., Ltd. (“Azusa Sekkei”) announced it will conduct verification tests for creating an
innovative workplace that maximizes worker performance in collaboration with SoftBank Corp.
(“SoftBank”) and Uhuru Corporation (“Uhuru”), from September 30, 2019 to the end of July, 2020 at
Azusa Sekkei’s head office.

Overview of the tests
For the purpose of researching environmental conditions and indicators that maximize worker
performance, sensors that collect environmental data on temperature, humidity, lighting, odor (Total
Volatile Organic Compound concentration levels) and atmospheric pressure, motion detectors to monitor
the usage of conference rooms will be installed at the headquarters of Azusa Sekkei to verify the
usefulness of such data. In addition, cameras and microphones will be placed in conference rooms to
collect image and audio data. Furthermore, a certain number of Azusa Sekkei employees will don
wearables (eyeglasses and wrist watches) to collect data on emotions, concentration levels and heart rate,and analyze the correlation between data obtained from wearables and data collected from environmental sensors.

Applying analyzed data for various purposes
Based on the result of the analysis, Azusa Sekkei will formulate an environmental index for maximizing
worker performances and work on the development of a solution that controls the environment
automatically in accordance with the index. The results from the verification tests are expected to be
applied for use not only in offices, but also at airports, sports facilities and healthcare facilities.

Future efforts by Azusa Sekkei
Aiming to build a workplace that enables the mental and physical well-being of workers, in addition to
improving their creativity and productivity, Azusa Sekkei plans to conduct advanced analysis by
combining the building’s 3D model with BIM (Building Information Modeling), a platform consisting of
various information about facilities and equipment in buildings, locations, quantities, prices and more,
and linking them with all kinds of data gathered through the verification tests. Azusa Sekkei will also
work to create a workplace that maximizes worker performance through the automatic collection of data
in accordance with evaluation indexes such as the WELL Building Standard*.
*Evaluation index established with the aim to create better living environment by including human health into space design, construction and operation.

Roles of the participants in the tests
[画像3: https://prtimes.jp/i/19297/98/resize/d19297-98-737568-2.jpg ]

About Azusa Sekkei Co., Ltd. (https://www.azusasekkei.co.jp/
Established in 1946, Azusa Sekkei is one of Japan’s leading architectural design firms with 600
employees. It holds top share in the market of airport business such as terminal buildings, aircraft
hangars, etc., and have worked on numerous international and regional airports including Haneda,
Narita, Kansai, Fukuoka, New Chitose, Naha and Chubu Centrair. The company holds top share in
the market of sports business as well and is currently involved in the construction of the New National
Stadium. It also has abundant records in projects related to public facilities such as government
buildings and schools, medical and health care facilities, and in fields including urban planning,
logistics and production. In August 2019, its head office has been transferred and incorporated into the
distribution warehouse at Haneda. The new office is a bright and open facility with lots of greenery, a
floor height of 6.6 meters and a space of 100 meters x 60 meters, along with a view of the airport and
the canal. It consists of a variety of workspaces and is completely non-territorial (employees are free to
change desks). Azusa Sekkei aims to pursue the ideal state of an office that brings about innovation,
using this new office as an experimental ground.

About SoftBank Corp. (https://www.softbank.jp/en/
Guided by the SoftBank Group’s corporate philosophy, “Information Revolution – Happiness for everyone,” SoftBank Corp. (TOKYO: 9434) combines telecommunications services with cutting-edge technologies to create and operate new businesses. SoftBank Corp. serves more than 44 million mobile consumer and enterprise subscribers in Japan, and as part of its “Beyond Carrier” strategy, is redefining industries by leveraging its unique strengths as a network operator to fully harness the power of 5G, big data, AI, IoT, robotics and other key technologies.

About Uhuru Corporation (https://uhuru.co.jp/
Focusing on IoT business, Uhuru Corporation continue to make transformation happen with enebular,
our IoT Orchestration service that allows unified management of edge devices and the cloud. Uhuru is
also working on next-generation telecommunications technology including NB-IoT in preparation for
the upcoming era of 5G. Uhuru’s teams of experts in consulting, engineering and creative production
strive to create business at our clients by offering one-stop access to professional services in business
strategy, technological support and communication strategy.
● SoftBank, the name of SoftBank and its logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of SoftBank Group Corp. in Japan and other
● Other names of companies, products and services contained in this press release are registered trademarks or trademarks of the
respective companies.
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