


マレーシア地域最大の建築建材展ARCHIDEX2011本日開催―NOWカンファレンスに中村拡志氏 ARCHIDEX11 in KL Starts Today!

クアラルンプール―2011年6月30日:第12回マレーシア建築建材展ARCHIDEX 2011は、DATUM:KL ―クアラルプール建築フェスティバル2011の初開催という新たなマイルストーンを達成しました。当フェスティバルはPAM(Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia/マレーシア建築家協会)によるエキサイティングで野心的な複数プログラムから成る7月いっぱいのイベントで、建築・デザインとクアラルンプール市をセレブレートします。パブリック領域に幅広な文化的ディシプリンをもたらそうとするこのイベントは、クアラルンプール市に新鮮で有意義な対話をもたらします。

ARCHIDEXは本日2011年6月30日から7月3日までの4日間、クアラルンプール・コンベンションセンターにて開催。10カ国399社による923ブースが会場の7つのホールを埋め尽くします。PAM とC.I.S Network Sdn Bhdが共同で開催するこの展示会は、マレーシア及び周辺地域の建築建材インテリアデザイン業界にとって参加必須の年次イベントとされています。





ARCHIDEX 2011と同時開催される数々のカンファレンスやフォーラムの一つにDATUM:KL NOWカンファレンス・シーズン1(国際建築デザイン会議)があります。当カンファレンスは今年からNOWカンファレンスとしてブランドを一新しました。NOWとは、即時性であり、新たなポジションとポテンシャルを生み出す今この瞬間、最新の建築状況を意味します。BlueScope Steel (M) Sdn BhdがスポンサーのNOWカンファレンスは2011年7月1日と2日に開催されます。

YB Senator Dato’ Idris Jala, (マレーシア首相府大臣、PEMANDU CEO)
Alfredo Brillembourg (ベネズエラ、カラカス)
Pitupong Chaowakul(バンコック)
Florian Idenburg (ニューヨーク)
Jing Liu (北京)
Zhang Li (北京)
Laurence Loh (マレーシア、ペナン)
Jürgen Mayer (ベルリン)
Ole Scheeren (香港/北京)
Marc Simmons(ニューヨーク)
Alan Tay (シンガポール)
Seetoh Kum Loon (シンガポール)
Cameron Sinclair(ロンドン)

6月30日にはKLDF(クアラルンプール・デザインフォーラム)と、GBF(グリーンビルディング・フォーラム)の2つのフォーラムが開催され、国内外のスピーカーやパーソナリティがそれぞれのデザインフィロソフィーと経験を披露します。KLDFではHolger Kehne、Adam Robarts、Mario Coreaが、GBF ではChris TwinnとDr. Ho Chin Siongがスピーカーを務めます。

ARCHIDEX 2011は2011年6月30日から7月3日までの4日間、クアラルンプール・コンベンションセンターにて開催。本展示会は商業展示会であり、入場は16歳以上に限られています。入場料は無料ですが予め入場登録が必要です。詳しい情報はhttp://www.archidex.com.my/ にて。

(English Version)

The Annual Most Anticipated Event
for the Built Industry in Malaysia and the Region;
Hiroshi Nakamura at NOW Conference

Kuala Lumpur - 30 June - The twelfth Malaysia Architecture, Interior Design & Building Exhibition - ARCHIDEX 2011, has set another milestone as the exhibition is an event of the inaugural DATUM:KL - Kuala Lumpur Architectural Festival 2011. The Festival is an exciting and ambitious month-long and multi-programme event by PAM (Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia/Malaysian Institute of Architects) throughout July, in celebration of architecture, design and the city ofKuala Lumpur. It aims to bring forth wider, cultural aspects of the discipline onto the public domain and to invigorate the city ofKuala Lumpur into new and purposeful dialogues.

ARCHIDEX opens tomorrow until 3 July 2011 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre and will showcase 923 exhibition booths by 399 companies from 10 countries in 7 halls of the Convention Centre. The exhibition is jointly organised between PAM and C.I.S Network Sdn Bhd and is recognised as the annual must-attend gathering of the who’s who from this industry covering the architecture, interior design and built fraternity inMalaysiaand within this region.

This is the time to converge inKuala Lumpurwhether for business or social, to interact with industry partners and specifiers, source or update for the built industry’s latest as well as to stay fully conversant with the developments in the built environment. This is also the opportunity to network with captains of the industries through its related functions and receptions, or to attend the concurrent conference, forums and trade talks. They are all held under one roof in this four-day event, which happens on the first week of July annually.

Building on its success last year in attracting over 31,700 visitors and its recent recognition by MACEOS (Malaysian Association of Convention and Exhibition Organisers and Suppliers), Awards 2011 for Industry Excellence Award and Best Trade Exhibition Award, ARCHIDEX promises to be the largest showcase ever of products, services and ideas for the industry.

“ARCHIDEX isMalaysia’s biggest architecture, interior design and building exhibition and it continues to grow in tandem with industry needs. This year, the exhibition recorded a 10% increase in exhibition space as well as a 13% increase in exhibitors’ participation” said Vincent Lim, President of C.I.S Network Sdn Bhd, the Joint Organiser of ARCHIDEX. “This is the most ideal platform for visitors to source for the most comprehensive product profile for the built environment all at ARCHIDEX”, he further added.

The Country Partner for ARCHIDEX this year is Austria where a pavilion will showcase classical Austrian interior designs, modern lighting solutions, advanced formwork technologies, innovative washroom systems as well as high quality laminated boards for the furniture industry. At the same time, AdvantageAustria will hold a special exhibition on “Modern Austrian Sustainable Wooden Architecture” highlighting Austrian outstanding expertise in wooden building technologies.

One of the several of its conference and forums held concurrently at ARCHIDEX 2011 is the DATUM:KL NOW CONFERENCE SEASON 1 (International Architectural Design Conference), which has been rebranded as the NOW CONFERENCE from this year onwards. NOW implies immediacy, a moment in the present to define new positions and potentials, an architectural status update. Sponsored by BlueScope Steel (M) Sdn Bhd, NOW CONFERENCE will be held on 1 and 2 July 2011 respectively.

The speakers for the Conference are YB Senator Dato’ Idris Jala, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department/CEO of PEMANDU from Malaysia; Alfredo Brillembourg from Caracas, Venezuela; Pitupong Chaowakul from Bangkok, Thailand; Florian Idenburg from New York, USA; Jing Liu from Beijing, China; Zhang Li from Beijing, China; Laurence Loh from Penang, Malaysia; Jürgen Mayer from Berlin, Germany; Hiroshi Nakamura from Tokyo, Japan; Ole Scheeren from Hong Kong/Beijing, China; Marc Simmons from New York, USA; Alan Tay from Singapore; Seetoh Kum Loon from Singapore and Cameron Sinclair from London, United Kingdom.

Another two forums are the KLDF (Kuala Lumpur Design Forum) and GBF (Green Building Forum) on 30 June 2011, where international and local speakers and personalities are invited to present their design philosophies and experiences. Speakers for KLDF are Holger Kehne, Adam Robarts and Mario Corea. Speakers for GBF are Chris Twinn and Dr. Ho Chin Siong.

Plan your visit NOW to ARCHIDEX 2011 from 30 June - 3 July 2011 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre,Malaysia. This is a trade exhibition and is open to persons aged 16 years old and above. Admission is free and registration is required before entry. For further information please call +603 7982 4668 or visithttp://www.archidex.com.my/ or email toinfo@archidex.com.my.


2000年初の開催以来、C.I.S Network Sdn Bhdは当展示会を、インテリアデザイン業界を中心にInternational Design Exhibition (DEX)として運営してきました。2005年、イベント名はArchitectural and Building Materials (ARCHITEX)と統合され、「DEX及びARCHITEX」となり、インテリアデザイン、建築、建設のニーズの幅広いスコープをカバーするようになりました。同時期、Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia / マレーシア建築家協会(PAM)がARCHITEXのみのコー・オーガナイザーとなり、2006年にはDEX及びARCHITEXのジョイント・オーガナイザーとなりました。2007年、展示会はARCHIDEXとしてリブランディングにより一新されました。大切なのは、本展示会にマレーシア国内外からより多くの参加者が集まることで、ますますイベント内容が充実していくということです。ARCHIDEXは商業展示会です。

マレーシア建築家協会(PAM) について
Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM)-マレーシア建築家協会は、マレーシアの建築家の職業協会です。本協会は、建築と建築に関連する様々な芸術や科学を進歩と向上を、第一の目的としています。本協会はメンバーが効果的に活動のための枠組みを提供しています。

C.I.S. ネットワーク社(C.I.S NETWORK SDN BHD)について
1993年に設立されたC.I.Sネットワーク社は、数多くの商業展示会とイベント・マネージメント(当社の2大ビジネス)を通じて蓄積した、長年の経験とエクスパティーズによって、先進的な「商業展示会オーガナイザー」として短期間に高い評価を得てきました。2004年、地方自治体プロジェクトやイベントに特化した子会社C.I.S Events Sdn Bhdを設立しました。展示会サービスを通じて、新たなトレンドをプロモートし、様々な新興市場のニーズを届けるという重要なミッションを持つC.I.S ネットワーク社とC.I.S イベント社の両社は、現在マレーシアの主要なオーガナイザーとなっています。

About The 12th Malaysia Architecture, Interior Design & Building Exhibition (ARCHIDEX)
Since its inception in 2000, the exhibition has been organised by C.I.S Network Sdn Bhd as International Design Exhibition (DEX), which mainly focused on the interior design industry. In 2005, the event name was combined together with Architectural and Building Materials (ARCHITEX), to become “DEX and ARCHITEX”; covering a wider scope for the interior design, architecture and building needs. At that time, Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia/Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM) was co-organiser of ARCHITEX only, and in 2006 became joint organiser of DEX and ARCHITEX. In 2007, the exhibition saw a change to rebrand to ARCHIDEX. This exercise was essential to give the event a higher profile through the involvement of more participants inMalaysiaand as well as overseas. ARCHIDEX is a trade exhibition.

About Malaysia Institute of Architects (PAM)
Pertubuhan AkitekMalaysia(PAM) - Malaysian Institute of Architects - is the professional institute of architects inMalaysia. The primary objective of the Institute is for the advancement and elevation of Architecture and the various arts and sciences connected therewith. The Institute provides a framework for its members to operate effectively.

Incorporated in 1993, C.I.S Network Sdn Bhd has garnered years of experience and expertise from its many trade exhibitions culminating in its fast growing reputation as a forward-thinking Trade Exhibition Organiser. In 2004, the company set up its subsidiary, C.I.S Events Sdn Bhd concentrating on local governmental projects and events. Both C.I.S Network Sdn Bhd and C.I.S Events Sdn Bhd are now the leading organisers inMalaysiawith a keen mission to promote the new trends and cater to the needs of various emerging markets through its exhibition offerings.

ARCHIDEX お問い合わせ先:
May Siah - may@cisnetwork.com (012 384 2223)
Vivien Sam - vivien@cisnetwork.com (016 314 2299)

日本語プレスリリース 制作・発行:
Malay Living Japan
Email: news10@malayliving.com
担当:橋爪美恵 Mie Hashizume

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