Japanese and American Stock Valuation and Financial Analysis System Tools
an online system tool which offers valuation and financial analysis solutions for more than 20,000 listed Japanese and American companies.
Japanese and American Stock Valuation and Financial Analysis System Tools
Japan, Tokyo - March 20, 2009 -
The Japanese company, Blue Marlin Partners, Inc
announced the release of the English version of " Valuation Matrix ",
an online system tool which offers valuation and financial analysis
solutions for more than 20,000 listed Japaneseand American companies.
"Valuation Matrix" was developed by the core members of Blue Marlin Partners,
which possess a vast experience in M&A deals for leading companies in Japan.
The main purpose of "Valuation Matrix" is to provide investors with professional
valuation services combined with an easy to use interface. As the president
of Blue Marlin Partners, Inc, Yohei Yamaguchi stated when he developed the system,
"the most important thing is to deliver to users more difficult content in an easy
to grasp manner ".
While a normal company valuation takes on average 3 hours,
Valuation Matrix can calculate the corporate value in an instant.
Therefore, with only one click you can calculate the corporate value and
have access to a detailed financial analysis of a list of 3,000 Japanese
and 20,000 American companies.
Many investors fail to achieve profit in their investment activities because
they miss out on corporate value and instead concentrate on the stock price.
Quoting Warren Buffett regarding his successful investment decisions,
"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." Therefore knowing the enterprise
value can help investors make successful decisions which are not based only
on the stock price and market fluctuations.
Furthermore, in today’s stock market environment, understanding the intrinsic
value of a company is absolutely necessary in achieving a long term growth.
Among the many functions the service provides, the simulation function was highly
appreciated by our specialized users. By changing different parameters such as
sales or profit growth, you are able to calculate the corporate value by following
your own presumptions.
The "Valuation Matrix" addresses to a wide range of users with different needs:
Securities Companies, Consulting Companies, Accountants, Tax Accountants,
Financial Planners, Companies in general and Private Investors.
In addition, "Valuation Matrix" overpasses country borders and language
barriers and allows you to easily compare the company value of Japanese and
American Companies.
If you want to try the "Valuation Matrix" for free during the campaign period and
know more about our services please visit us at: http://en.shares.ne.jp/
Blue Marlin Partners, Inc based in Tokyo, has been developing and providing
stock investment tools since 2006. Also the company has taken a very active
approach towards stock investment education through seminars,
publications and DVDs on the Japanese market.
Blue Marlin Partners, Inc
President: Yohei Yamaguchi
Establishment: January 2006
Address: A206, 3-21 KandaNishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0054
Tel: +81-(3)-3219-5300
Fax: +81-(3)-5259-8357
URL: http://en.shares.ne.jp/
Email: support_english@shares.ne.jp
Japanese and American Stock Valuation and Financial Analysis System Tools
Japan, Tokyo - March 20, 2009 -
The Japanese company, Blue Marlin Partners, Inc
announced the release of the English version of " Valuation Matrix ",
an online system tool which offers valuation and financial analysis
solutions for more than 20,000 listed Japaneseand American companies.
"Valuation Matrix" was developed by the core members of Blue Marlin Partners,
which possess a vast experience in M&A deals for leading companies in Japan.
The main purpose of "Valuation Matrix" is to provide investors with professional
valuation services combined with an easy to use interface. As the president
of Blue Marlin Partners, Inc, Yohei Yamaguchi stated when he developed the system,
"the most important thing is to deliver to users more difficult content in an easy
to grasp manner ".
While a normal company valuation takes on average 3 hours,
Valuation Matrix can calculate the corporate value in an instant.
Therefore, with only one click you can calculate the corporate value and
have access to a detailed financial analysis of a list of 3,000 Japanese
and 20,000 American companies.
Many investors fail to achieve profit in their investment activities because
they miss out on corporate value and instead concentrate on the stock price.
Quoting Warren Buffett regarding his successful investment decisions,
"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." Therefore knowing the enterprise
value can help investors make successful decisions which are not based only
on the stock price and market fluctuations.
Furthermore, in today’s stock market environment, understanding the intrinsic
value of a company is absolutely necessary in achieving a long term growth.
Among the many functions the service provides, the simulation function was highly
appreciated by our specialized users. By changing different parameters such as
sales or profit growth, you are able to calculate the corporate value by following
your own presumptions.
The "Valuation Matrix" addresses to a wide range of users with different needs:
Securities Companies, Consulting Companies, Accountants, Tax Accountants,
Financial Planners, Companies in general and Private Investors.
In addition, "Valuation Matrix" overpasses country borders and language
barriers and allows you to easily compare the company value of Japanese and
American Companies.
If you want to try the "Valuation Matrix" for free during the campaign period and
know more about our services please visit us at: http://en.shares.ne.jp/
Blue Marlin Partners, Inc based in Tokyo, has been developing and providing
stock investment tools since 2006. Also the company has taken a very active
approach towards stock investment education through seminars,
publications and DVDs on the Japanese market.
Blue Marlin Partners, Inc
President: Yohei Yamaguchi
Establishment: January 2006
Address: A206, 3-21 KandaNishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0054
Tel: +81-(3)-3219-5300
Fax: +81-(3)-5259-8357
URL: http://en.shares.ne.jp/
Email: support_english@shares.ne.jp