BIGFACE、フィリピン最大手放送局と情報バラエティ番組「LISTED」を国際共同制作 〜日本の魅力や話題をフィリピンへ〜
株式会社BIGFACE(東京都中央区築地、代表取締役:水野 英明)は、株式会社フジテレビジョンと協働し、この度フィリピンの最大手放送局 ABS-CBNと、日本の魅力や話題を同国民に伝える情報バラエティ番組「LISTED」の国際共同制作を行いました。
放送はフィリピン全域をカバーし、購買力がある視聴者層が中心のABS-CBN衛星チャンネル「Lifestyle Network」において行います。あわせて、1,000万人以上に及ぶフィリピン人海外労働者をターゲットに据えた、ABS-CBN国際放送「The Filipino Channel」においても再放送を行います。
国際共同制作にあたり、BIGFACEとABS-CBN、及び当社海外法人 Media-Stable(BIGFACE取締役制作局長 石山 辰吾がボードディレクター兼務)は、綿密な事前ミーティング・リサーチに基づいて構成や脚本を共同作成した上で、フィリピン人クルー、及び有名フィリピン人タレント2名を招聘し日本ロケを行いました(BIGFACEは技術クルー・コーディネーション・制作進行によって支援)。
その後、当社監修のもと 番組はフィリピンで編集され、来年1月〜2月にかけて4話 Lifestyle Networkにて放送される。番組コンセプトは、現地で大人気のスタイリッシュな旅行番組シリーズ「LISTED」のフォーマットに準じた、ローカルニーズに効果的に訴えるものとなっています。
BIGFACE conducted international co-production
with Filipino top-tier broadcaster
BIGFACE and its partner Fuji Television Network co-created the informative television variety show titled "LISTED" with Creative Programs, Inc., the cable subsidiary of ABS-CBN, the largest and highest tier broadcaster in the Philippines.
Shingo Ishiyama (BIGFACE board member and head of production) set the wheels in motion by crafting the concept collaboration for this international co-production with BIGFACE, ABS-CBN and Media-Stable, the overseas subsidiary of BIGFACE located in Singapore. The shooting took place in Japan where BIGFACE assisted the Filipino crew and popular Filipino talents with logistical on-ground coordination and technical support for the production. The post-production process will be conducted in the Philippines, and four episodes will be aired on the Lifestyle Network in January and February next year. The Lifestyle Network is a cable channel of Creative Programs, Inc., covering the Philippines nationwide and mainly targeting affluent viewer groups. "LISTED" will also be re-run on ABS-CBN's international broadcasting service “The Filipino Channel” which is directed toward the 10 million Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) worldwide. The concept of the episodes was derived from the Lifestyle Network's highly acclaimed stylish “magazine style” travel show “LISTED”, which has effectively captivated the local Filipino audience.
The Philippines is renowned for its affinity for Japan; surveys show that up to 94% of Filipinos say that they are fond of Japan. As Japan is a prominent trade partner and investor in the Philippines, even greater cultural and economic exchange is expected in the coming years. BIGFACE intends this project, the first full-scale co-production between the Philippines and Japan, to act as a beachhead for even more collaboration in the future for the creative and broadcasting industries.
放送はフィリピン全域をカバーし、購買力がある視聴者層が中心のABS-CBN衛星チャンネル「Lifestyle Network」において行います。あわせて、1,000万人以上に及ぶフィリピン人海外労働者をターゲットに据えた、ABS-CBN国際放送「The Filipino Channel」においても再放送を行います。
国際共同制作にあたり、BIGFACEとABS-CBN、及び当社海外法人 Media-Stable(BIGFACE取締役制作局長 石山 辰吾がボードディレクター兼務)は、綿密な事前ミーティング・リサーチに基づいて構成や脚本を共同作成した上で、フィリピン人クルー、及び有名フィリピン人タレント2名を招聘し日本ロケを行いました(BIGFACEは技術クルー・コーディネーション・制作進行によって支援)。
その後、当社監修のもと 番組はフィリピンで編集され、来年1月〜2月にかけて4話 Lifestyle Networkにて放送される。番組コンセプトは、現地で大人気のスタイリッシュな旅行番組シリーズ「LISTED」のフォーマットに準じた、ローカルニーズに効果的に訴えるものとなっています。
BIGFACE conducted international co-production
with Filipino top-tier broadcaster
BIGFACE and its partner Fuji Television Network co-created the informative television variety show titled "LISTED" with Creative Programs, Inc., the cable subsidiary of ABS-CBN, the largest and highest tier broadcaster in the Philippines.
Shingo Ishiyama (BIGFACE board member and head of production) set the wheels in motion by crafting the concept collaboration for this international co-production with BIGFACE, ABS-CBN and Media-Stable, the overseas subsidiary of BIGFACE located in Singapore. The shooting took place in Japan where BIGFACE assisted the Filipino crew and popular Filipino talents with logistical on-ground coordination and technical support for the production. The post-production process will be conducted in the Philippines, and four episodes will be aired on the Lifestyle Network in January and February next year. The Lifestyle Network is a cable channel of Creative Programs, Inc., covering the Philippines nationwide and mainly targeting affluent viewer groups. "LISTED" will also be re-run on ABS-CBN's international broadcasting service “The Filipino Channel” which is directed toward the 10 million Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) worldwide. The concept of the episodes was derived from the Lifestyle Network's highly acclaimed stylish “magazine style” travel show “LISTED”, which has effectively captivated the local Filipino audience.
The Philippines is renowned for its affinity for Japan; surveys show that up to 94% of Filipinos say that they are fond of Japan. As Japan is a prominent trade partner and investor in the Philippines, even greater cultural and economic exchange is expected in the coming years. BIGFACE intends this project, the first full-scale co-production between the Philippines and Japan, to act as a beachhead for even more collaboration in the future for the creative and broadcasting industries.