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株式会社FISCO JCN Newswire

Honda、「N-BOX」が2023年上半期 新車販売台数 第1位を獲得

TOKYO, Jul 6, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - Hondaの軽自動車「N-BOX(エヌボックス)」の2023年上半期(1〜6月)における販売台数が112,248台※1となり、登録車を含む新車販売台数において第1位※2を獲得しました。 N-BOXは、...
提供元:JCN Newswire

PrimePartners Group forges a strategic alliance with leading UK independent corporate advisory firm Strand Han...

SINGAPORE, Jul 6, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - PrimePartners Group ("PrimePartners" or "PPG"), one of Singapore's leading investment banking advisory firms has entered into a strategic alliance with Strand Hanson, a London-based corporate advisory firm to exp...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Jul 6, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - 三菱重工グループの三菱重工エンジン&ターボチャージャ株式会社(MHIET、社長:古殿 通義、本社:相模原市中央区)は、三菱重工グループの2040年のネットゼロ達成を掲げた「M...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Jul 6, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - 株式会社IHI(注1)(以下 IHI)と富士通株式会社(注2)(以下 富士通)は、2022年度よりカーボンニュートラルへの貢献と環境価値取引を支える「環境価値流通プラットフォーム...
提供元:JCN Newswire

APAC GCs Say Legal Departments Are Too Under-Resourced To Be Effective, Axiom Study Finds

SINGAPORE, Jul 6, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - Being an APAC-based General Counsel (GC) is hard, according to the results of survey by Axiom, the global leader in high-caliber, on-demand legal talent. Findings from Axiom's APAC General Counsel Survey Report: Managing the Unmanag...
提供元:JCN Newswire

20th Edition of Digital Transformation Summit, Singapore

SINGAPORE, Jul 5, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - In recent years, there has been a significant surge in the adoption of digital transformation solutions by businesses, driven by the recognition of the importance of leveraging new technologies to enhance customer value. Embracing digita...
提供元:JCN Newswire

Dogtainers and Dr. Harry: Discover the Fascinating World of Animal Transit

SYDNEY, AU, Jul 5, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - Animals Aboard with Dr. Harry, a brand new series, is set to launch on July 5, 2023. The show explores the fascinating stories of animals in transit around the globe, supported by one of the world's largest pet transportation compa...
提供元:JCN Newswire

Spotlight on PX: digital tech to enable patient-centricity and agile care

KUALA LUMPUR, Jul 5, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - What does the future of patient experience (PX) look like, and how do healthcare providers ? working with limited resources ? get there? From what we hear from healthcare leaders, "patient-centricity" and "agility&qu...
提供元:JCN Newswire

NECとオラクル、NEC印西データセンターに、Oracle Cloud Infrastructureへの接続拠点を開...

TOKYO, Jul 5, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - 日本電気株式会社(取締役 代表執行役社長 兼 CEO:森田 隆之、以下NEC)と日本オラクル株式会社(取締役 執行役 社長:三澤 智光)は、2021年のクラウド領域での協業強化(注1)に基づき...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Jul 5, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - 三菱重工グループの英国現地法人であるMitsubishi Heavy Industries Air-Conditioning Europe, Ltd.(MHIAE)は、欧州における業務用ヒートポンプに関する取り組みで「カンパニー・オブ・ザ・イ...
提供元:JCN Newswire

EGO Announces New Partnership with John Deere to Drive Innovation in the Outdoor Power Equipment (OPE) Industr...

HONG KONG, Jul 5, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - Chervon Holdings Limited (2285.HK) recently announced a strategic agreement with John Deere. This enables EGO branded battery products to be sold through John Deere dealers, and both parties will also collaborate on developing new produc...
提供元:JCN Newswire

富士通、スペインの調査会社Informa D&B社と戦略的提携、説明可能なAIを企業の財...

TOKYO, Jul 5, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - 当社は、スペインの調査会社であるInforma D&B S.A.(インフォーマ)(注1)(以下、Informa D&B)と、企業の新たなビジネス創出を信頼性の高い情報提供により支援するため、Info...
提供元:JCN Newswire

10 winners stand out at Start-up Express

HONG KONG, Jul 4, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - The sixth edition of Start-up Express, an entrepreneurship development programme organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), came to a successful conclusion today. The judging panel at the in-person Final Pitching, held...
提供元:JCN Newswire

ExpertOption Surpasses 70 Million Users Worldwide and Introduces Lucrative Referral Program

NEW YORK, NY, July 4, 2023 - (ACN Newswire) - ExpertOption, a prominent online trading platform (owned by EOLABS LLC), has achieved a significant milestone by surpassing 70 million users worldwide. This remarkable growth reflects ExpertOption's ongoing commitment to revolutionizi...
提供元:JCN Newswire


NEW YORK, Jul 4, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - 著名なオンライン取引プラットフォームのExpertOption (EOLABS LLCが所有)は、世界中で7000万人以上のユーザーを超えるという重要なマイルストーンを達成しました。この目覚ましい...
提供元:JCN Newswire

HKTDC takes Hong Kong to Bangkok

BANGKOK, Jul 4, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is taking its Think Business, Think Hong Kong (TBTHK) signature promotion event to Bangkok next week. The event will showcase Hong Kong as a resilient innovation hub where businesses from aro...
提供元:JCN Newswire
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