[画像: https://prtimes.jp/i/17681/24/resize/d17681-24-413104-0.jpg ]
EUNIC Japan(EU加盟各国が持つ公的な文化機関によって構成される協会)では、2018年国際女性デー記念イベント「労働の場における女性の権利拡大への実践」を開催します。平等な職場環境の実現を目指してきたEU・日本の女性たちを講演者に迎え、彼女たちがどのようにキャリアの構築に成功し、弊害を克服していったかを共有することで、彼女たちに続く女性たちの一助となることを目的としています。
ティツィアナ・アランプレセ氏(FIAT JAPANマーケティング本部長)
へレヌ・マールバック氏(Entrepreneur Club of Femmes Actives Japon代表)
日時:国際女性デー 3月8日(木)18:30
東京都千代田区六番町2-9セルバンテスビル http://tokio.cervantes.es
European Cultural Centres in Tokyo present a joint workshop on best practices for Women’s Empowerment in the workplace.
Marking International Women’s Day 2018 EUNIC Japan (European Union National Institutes of Culture) are co-hosting an event on Women’s Empowerment in the Workplace.
A number of speakers from EU member countries and from Japan will address the topic of best practices for women and organisations to encourage professional careers free of gender discrimination.
Participants include, Ms Akiko Mabuchi, Director-General of the National Museum of Western Art, Yuki Chidui, Sushi Chef at Nadeshiko restaurant, and Michiyo Ono from NGO JOICEP (Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning). From Europe, Ms Tiziana Alamprese, Marketing Director at FIAT Japan, Carolina García, Deputy CEO IKEA Japan, Anna-Maria Wiljanen, Director of the Finnish Institute Japan, Helene Marbach, head of the Entrepreneur Club of Femmes Actives Japon and co-founder of vivreatokyo.com, will join Anne Barrington, Ambassador of Ireland to Japan.
The speakers will share their personal experiences and exchange what they found as good practices and practical tools which can be deemed useful for any women facing certain situations and obstacles.
Commenting on the event, Ambassador Barrington said “while EU and Japan have to a great extent addressed gender inequality in areas such as health and education, there are still many challenges in areas such as political and economic empowerment. This discussion offers an important forum to focus on our shared hopes and vision of a more equal world, starting with our work environment”
The event takes place on 8 March, International Women´s Day from 6.30pm (networking cocktail will follow).
Venue: Instituto Cervantes, in Chiyoda-ku, Cervantes Institute Auditorium
B1F2-9 Rokubancho, Chiyoda-ku, 102-0085. www.tokio.cervantes.es
Registration open to the public and free of charge. Please register names in advance.
RSVP: https://peatix.com/event/349476/view
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