尚、BCPコーポレーションは11月24日(木)11:15 am-1:00pmに大震災後のBCPに関するセミナーを開催する。(有料3000円)(ランチ付き) BCPポータルサイト並びにBCPセミナーに関しての問い合わせは以下のとおり。
会社名 BCPコーポレーション株式会社
オフィシャルサイト http://www.bcpcorporation.com
住所 〒100-6162 東京都千代田区永田町2−11−1 山王パークタワー三階
電話番号 03-6205-3316
担当者 北沢喜夫 代表取締役
橋本 昇 営業部
メールアドレス info@bcpcorporation.comまで。
BCP Corporation, a pioneer in BCP (Business Continuity Plan) consulting, established in July 2008, will launch a new state of the art BCP tool on October 28. Using cloud based technology, the new ‘BCP Portal Site Service’, is an innovative platform providing up-to-date emergency response/crisis management information and BCP guidance to your personnel anywhere and everywhere in real time. Accessible on any PC, cell phone or Smartphone, each and every employee can receive critical information in a timely manner. Standardized BCP templates are included, which can be easily customized and updated by clients based on the company’s existing BCP requirements. In the event of a large-scale disaster, the emergency broadcast service can be quickly triggered to verify the status and safety of employees. In addition to Japanese, English and Chinese versions are available and well suited to overseas firms or those local companies with a large number of foreign staff.
On November 24, BCP Corporation will hold a seminar on post 3.11 lessons learned and recent issues associated with the radiation leakage following a live demonstration of the new BCP Portal Site Service. If you are interested, please contact:
Company: BCP Corporation
Official Site:http://www.bcpcorporation.com
Address: 2-11-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo100-6162 SannoParkTower3F
Telephone: 03-6205-3316
Contact: Yoshio Kitazawa, CEO
Noboru Hashimoto, Marketing
Mail Address: info@bcpcorporation.com
尚、BCPコーポレーションは11月24日(木)11:15 am-1:00pmに大震災後のBCPに関するセミナーを開催する。(有料3000円)(ランチ付き) BCPポータルサイト並びにBCPセミナーに関しての問い合わせは以下のとおり。
会社名 BCPコーポレーション株式会社
オフィシャルサイト http://www.bcpcorporation.com
住所 〒100-6162 東京都千代田区永田町2−11−1 山王パークタワー三階
電話番号 03-6205-3316
担当者 北沢喜夫 代表取締役
橋本 昇 営業部
メールアドレス info@bcpcorporation.comまで。
BCP Corporation, a pioneer in BCP (Business Continuity Plan) consulting, established in July 2008, will launch a new state of the art BCP tool on October 28. Using cloud based technology, the new ‘BCP Portal Site Service’, is an innovative platform providing up-to-date emergency response/crisis management information and BCP guidance to your personnel anywhere and everywhere in real time. Accessible on any PC, cell phone or Smartphone, each and every employee can receive critical information in a timely manner. Standardized BCP templates are included, which can be easily customized and updated by clients based on the company’s existing BCP requirements. In the event of a large-scale disaster, the emergency broadcast service can be quickly triggered to verify the status and safety of employees. In addition to Japanese, English and Chinese versions are available and well suited to overseas firms or those local companies with a large number of foreign staff.
On November 24, BCP Corporation will hold a seminar on post 3.11 lessons learned and recent issues associated with the radiation leakage following a live demonstration of the new BCP Portal Site Service. If you are interested, please contact:
Company: BCP Corporation
Official Site:http://www.bcpcorporation.com
Address: 2-11-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo100-6162 SannoParkTower3F
Telephone: 03-6205-3316
Contact: Yoshio Kitazawa, CEO
Noboru Hashimoto, Marketing
Mail Address: info@bcpcorporation.com