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TOKYO, Jul 25, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 三菱重工グループの三菱造船株式会社(社長:北村 徹、本社:横浜市西区、以下、三菱造船)が川崎汽船株式会社(以下、川崎汽船)ならびに一般財団法人日本海事協会と共同...
提供元:JCN Newswire

Avi8ted Ventures Showcase Washington, D.C.'s Progress as a Global Emerging Tech Ecosystem for BIPOC and W...

Washington, D.C., Jul 25, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Avi8ted Ventures, a DC-based impact innovation ecosystem operating at the intersection of Real Estate, Tech, and Culture to host DC's Futurist Startup Showcase, bringing investors and partners together with BIPOC and Women F...
提供元:JCN Newswire

TOYOTA GAZOO Racing、GR86 10周年記念特別仕様車の期間限定販売を発表

Toyota City, Japan, Jul 25, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - TOYOTA GAZOO Racingは、初代86の誕生から10周年を記念し、多くのスポーツカーファンのお客様にご愛顧いただいていることへの感謝を込めて、GR86 特別仕様車 RZ“10th Anniversary...
提供元:JCN Newswire

Novotech's Flexible Work Policy is Finalist in Best Workplace Flexibility Program "Excellence Award ...

SYDNEY, Jul 25, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Novotech, the leading Asia Pacific biotech specialist CRO with expanded services in the US, has been recognised for its innovative approach to workplace flexibility. Novotech CEO Dr. John Moller said: "Our flexible workplace desig...
提供元:JCN Newswire

GBA Launches New Blockchain Assessment Methodology

Washington, D.C., Jul 25, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - The Government Blockchain Association (GBA) has published the Blockchain Maturity Model (BMM) (https://gbaglobal.org/blockchain-maturity-model/) Assessment Requirements. This is the second published document in the BMM Series. Wh...
提供元:JCN Newswire

Blockchain-Based App Wins UN Secretary-General's Innovation & Sustainability Award

NEW YORK, Jul 25, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - The UN Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) partnered with the UN International Computing Center (UNICC) to launch a Digital Certificate of Entitlement (DCE) app to modernize the tracking and eligibility of UN retirees. This app allows reti...
提供元:JCN Newswire

Relive Your Memories in The Metaverse

Colorado, USA, Jul 23, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - By now I'm sure everyone has heard of the fantasy of time travel but what if I could tell you that we can make that fantasy a reality in Virtual Reality that is? Introducing Reflect An invention created by Milan Cheeks,...
提供元:JCN Newswire

Gray Wolf Analytics Joins the Government Blockchain Association (GBA)

FREDERICTON, N.B., Jul 23, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Gray Wolf Analytics announced that it has joined the ranks of the Government Blockchain Association (GBA), a professional association promoting international collaboration between government and blockchain solutions providers. ...
提供元:JCN Newswire

USMining Group Officially Announced that It Has Obtained the US MSB License

HONG KONG, Jul 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - The US MSB (Money Services Business) license is a financial license provided by FinCEN, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Bureau of the US Treasury Department. FinCEN publishes MSB, which stands for Money Services Business. MSB is the st...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Jul 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 日立エナジーは、インドのグジャラート州を拠点とする複合企業アダニグループのグループ会社であるAdani Electricity Mumbai Infra Limited(アダニ エレクトリシティ ムンバイ インフラ社...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Jul 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 当社は、顔などの情報が写っていない映像からでも人の歩き方(以下、歩容)をもとに人物を高精度に照合できる歩容照合技術を開発しました。 本技術は、人の関節点の座標...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Jul 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 三菱自動車工業株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表執行役社長兼最高経営責任者:加藤隆雄、以下「当社」)は、株式会社三菱UFJ銀行(本店:東京都千代田区、取締役頭取執行役...
提供元:JCN Newswire


TOKYO, Jul 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 独立行政法人国立高等専門学校機構(所在地:東京都八王子市、理事長:谷口 功、以下 高専機構)と日本電気株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役 執行役員社長 兼 CEO:森田 隆...
提供元:JCN Newswire

GBA: Experts Discuss Funding Blockchain Projects

Washington, D.C., Jul 22, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - The Government Blockchain Association (GBA) will host a panel on Funding Blockchain Projects during their Blockchain & Infrastructure conference on September 29-30, 2022 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. "...
提供元:JCN Newswire

31st HKTDC Education & Careers Expo opens today

HONG KONG, Jul 21, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), the 31st HKTDC Education & Careers Expo opened today and runs until 24 July (Sunday) at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). The expo runs in parallel ...
提供元:JCN Newswire

Legend Capital Portfolio Company: The Global-Leading AI Medical Imaging Company Lunit Goes Public Successfully

HONG KONG, Jul 21, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - On July 21st, 2022, Lunit, a leading global AI-based cancer solutions provider invested by Legend Capital, was successfully listed on the KOSDAQ market. Founded in 2013, Lunit successfully established itself as the world's top-n...
提供元:JCN Newswire
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