


建築の素晴らしさに触れる「マレーシア建築家展」@PAM Centre(2), Celebrating Architectural Excellence [StarProperty] Part II

クアラルンプール: 2010年12月1日―マレーシア建築家協会(Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia会長ブーン・チェ・ウィー、以下「PAM」)は、現在「マレーシア建築家展」(開催期間:10月4日〜11月30日、http://www.architectsmalaysia.com.my/)を開催しています。10月4日の「世界建築の日」(世界建築会議 UIAが提唱。http://www.uia-architectes.org/) の記念イベントである当展示会では、マレーシアの建築家の美しくインスピレーションに満ちた作品を一堂に紹介されます。展示される名作の数々を見れば、1920年代から今日に至るまでのマレーシア建築の素晴らしさが分かることでしょう。




―REHDA(不動産・住宅開発協会)の会長ダト・マイケル・ヤム氏が最近REHDA Youthを立ち上げました。PAMにはそのようなプログラムはありますか?
私たちは、もっとコンペを開催するとも言っています。概要と賞金を教えてくれれば開催しますよ。なぜコンペを開催するかというと、それが新たな若い才能を発見する最良の方法であり、そういう若手が我が国にいるからです。最近終わったコンペは「Three Stonor」コンペティションというものでした。おそらくエントリーの9割は若いこれからの建築家であり、入賞者もまたそういった若い人たちでした。私たちはマレーシアの人たちに、コンペこそ才能を発見する一番良い方法だと示してきたのです。





基本的にはかなりの時間をここ(PAMセンター)で費やしていますね(笑)。会長最後の年ためのレポートにもそう書きました。非常に骨の折れる年でしたが、また興奮する年でした。とても生産的な年でしたからね。以前とは違う初めての領域に踏み込みました。例えば、「ヴェネツィア建築ビエンナーレ2010」ですよね。考えてもみて下さい。1万人以上の人々がマレーシア建築家の作品を見る機会がどこにありますか? バラエティーに富んだ私たちの展示が人々を魅了したのです。




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(English Version)

Celebrating Architectural Excellence [StarProperty.my] Part II ==================================================

PAM (Malaysian Institute of Architects or Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia) has recently launched an exhibition titled Architects Malaysia. The exhibition is in celebration of World Day of Architecture which falls on October 4 and it showcases beautiful and inspiring works of Malaysian architects until November 30, 2010. The masterpieces displayed highlight Malaysia’s architectural excellence all the way back from the 1920s to current years.

StarProperty.my speaks to PAM (Malaysian Institute of Architects) president Ar Che Boon Wee, 45, about the Architects Malaysia exhibition and the prestigious Venice Biennale Architettura 2010 which Malaysia is participating in for the very first time this year. Boon also shares about the importance of “branding and marketing” Malaysian architects and PAM’s upcoming events.

Do share about the inclusion of Malaysia in the Venice Biennale Architettura 2010 for the very first time.
It premiered on August 29 in Venice. Venice Biennale is probably over a century old, but the Venice Biennale Architettura, started over 30 years ago. It is actually the most exclusive and prestigious architectural exhibition in the world. This is an exhibition that focuses on architectural design. The entire Venice city is an exhibition ground, although there are official exhibition venues and we are one of them. Participation is by invitation only. With MATRADE’s (Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation) assistance, we managed to get invitations for the first time. This year is our debut there, exhibiting together with 57 other countries.

Why was Malaysia never invited before?
We have never participated because we have never received the backing. This time around, things just jived. On one occasion, I presented this idea to NAPSEC (National Professionals Services Export Council), which I sit in. It is an advisory council to MATRADE. The council itself thinks that we should support this idea of new design economy and participate in the Venice Biennale Architettura as it will put us on the international platform to showcase our design talents. MATRADE supported the idea and gave us the backing. For us to participate as international participants, we needed the Government to submit a brief for them to consider. We did that in a very short time, only in the beginning of the year. Other countries had two years to prepare. We had less than four months.
To our pleasant surprise, in April we received the invitation to participate. So far, the response has been totally overwhelming. On average, we have 240 visitors per day for a 6-hour exhibition. This means that we get about 40 visitors per hour. One of the highest numbers in early October where we received 562 visitors in a six-hour period. So in total, for 40 days we received 9,682 visitors.

REHDA (Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association) president Datuk Michael Yam recently launched REHDA Youth. Does PAM plan have such a programme as well?
We’ve always recognised that there’s talent in Malaysia and there are a few things we are doing. Last year, one of the council’s focus is to give as much as opportunity as possible for emerging practices to showcase their works. So we have design seminars which focus on new, young practices. A lot of times, we give opportunities to younger practitioners to showcase their works. Venice Biennale Architettura is also probably the first time we open the event to all categories of our members - students, young practices and senior practitioners. We have 26 participants and they include students, all practices right up to PAM gold medallists, and senior practitioners.
We have been calling to organise a lot more competitions. Just let us have the brief and the prizes. We will organise the competition because competitions are the best way to discover new young talent and we have them in this country. We recently concluded one competition, called the Three Stonor competition. Probably 90% of the entries were all young emerging practices and the winners were also young emerging practices. So we have demonstrated to the Malaysian public that this is the best way to discover talent.
Currently, we are working with a few corporations as well as the Malaysian Government to organise more competition. That is a more realistic way of involving our young talents into the market.

PAM has also launched a book titled Shapers of Modern Malaysia. Tell us about the book.
There was a delay and we wanted to launch this book a long time ago. The book profiles the lives and times of five PAM gold medallists. We started the gold medallist award in 1988. Since then, we have awarded to only five individuals (the late Datuk Ar Kington Loo, the late Datuk Ar Hisham Albakri, Datuk Seri Ar Lim Chong Keat, Ar Hijjas Kasturi and Datuk Ar Baharuddin Abu Kassim). This is the highest recognition to the Malaysian architect as an individual.
For the time being, we think that five is a good number for a collection, to publish and remember their contribution, especially at a time when we are reflecting on the advancement of Malaysian architects. The five of them have actually inspired all of us in our works, especially the current generation of Malaysian architects. The current generation of architects is probably familiar with their works but not the future generation. We want this to be another opportunity where we can pass this on to the next generation to see the heroic works during the late 60s, 70s.

Will the book be available in bookstores?
It will be eventually. This book is something that you really want to treasure. It is not a coffee table book by all means, because it is quite text heavy and you will begin to understand the trials and tribulations in pursuing their career. These are some of the pioneer architects in Malaysia. So hopefully, the book will inspire architects and the public.

The PAM awards are carried out yearly?
It is usually given during our annual dinner in August or September. But the nomination process will start probably after first or second quarter of the year. It is a very unique award scheme, in the sense that we alternate the categories. For example, categories for this year will not be repeated next year. It will appear the following year. In total we have 16 categories and we only feature eight categories per year. 16 is too many for one year.
The judging process is most unique because we include two international architects. We also have representation from the academics, practicing architects and public. So it not something that we take turns to give ourselves a pat on the back. It is a very stringent process. We have years where we did not give out any awards. If we don’t think that there’s any scheme that deserves to be a winner, we declare that there are no winners.

Is the PAM award for members only?
Yes, but most practicing architects are PAM members anyway. The recognition is not only given to the architect but the client as well. It is to recognise their support for the architect, as well as the builder for executing the work. So it does not solely award architects. It is to the team.

What’s next for you as president of PAM?
Basically, spending a lot of my time here (laughs). Like what I said in my concluding report for the last presidency. It has been a very exhausting year for us but I am excited because it has been a productive year. We been to areas that we have never been before , for example, Venice Biennale Architettura is one. Just imagine, where do you get the opportunity for more than 10,000 people to see Malaysia’s architectural works? The variety that we showcased impressed them.
We have also been able to work with the Government very closely to promote Malaysian Architect as a brand. We have launched a very thick profile on Malaysian architects and that would be distributed by MATRADE throughout the world. We have also distributed to a lot of foreign embassies. Of course, we are making a lot of progress in GBI; something that we have been driving for 16 to 18 months. And the response has been overwhelming, We continue to receive the Government’s support on that.

Any activities or plans for the last quarter of the year?
The Last quarter of the year is a time of planning because that’s when we start our term. But we have already made a few programmes. The first one is actually through our own initiative. We are ogranising a so-called international version of Datum:KL (International Architectural Design Conference) in Colombo, Sri Lanka, supported by MATRADE. Datum:KL is an international brand. International speakers clamour for an opportunity to speak at this conference. So we want to bring a version of this, featuring Malaysian architects, to speak in Colombo. It is a trial. The idea came about just a couple of months ago. MATRADE supported the idea and we are working on it.

When is the target launch for the design conference in Colombo?
First or second week of December, before Christmas. We are trying to do to convince MATRADE and the Government to look at design-led conception rather than contractor-led. Otherwise, we will continue being executors of someone else’s design. With this design conference, we hope to bring together contractors, even developers and other professionals. But it would be headlining the architects’ design works.
That aside, Venice Biennale Architettura will close on November 21. In December, it should be back here, and that will be featured in one of the venues that we are currently considering to give the nation the opportunity to witness the work. After that, because of the invitations we received, provided that we have enough funding and sponsors, it will hopefully go on a tour to other countries.
We are looking at the possibility of going to South America because we received invitations to go there early next year. If we continue to receive invitations, we will continue to tour until we are ready to work on the next biennale. Other than participating in Venice, we will also participate in the arts biennale as well, held in Venice at the same time. The arts biennale alternates with architectural biennale. So next year, it would be arts. We should continue to maintain exposure in the biennale every year. We will be driving the arts exhibition next year.

(Translated from an article by Sherry Koh from StarProperty.my)
(Photographs courtesy of PAM)

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StarProperty.myは、マレーシアの主要英語新聞Star紙の出版元であるStar Publicationsの完全子会社です。

About StarProperty.my
StarProperty.my is a comprehensive property website that covers a wide range of topics including feng shui, celebrities' homes, property listings, decor and design ideas, property investment, and so on. Very soon, StarProperty.my will be launching d2.TV, an online channel with reality shows featuring beautiful cottage makeovers, a Malaysian celebrity couple's journey on finding their home and the search for the next property millionaire, just to name a few. StarProperty.my is a wholly owned subsidiary of Star Publications, publisher of Malaysia's leading English-language daily newspapers.

マレーシア建築家協会 (PAM) について
Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM)-マレーシア建築家協会は、マレーシアの建築家の職業協会です。本協会は、建築と建築に関連する様々な芸術や科学を進歩と向上を、第一の目的としています。本協会はメンバーが効果的に活動のための枠組みを提供しています。

About Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM)
Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM) / Malaysian Institute of Architects - is the professional institute of architects in Malaysia. The primary objective of the Institute is for the advancement and elevation of Architecture and the various arts and sciences connected therewith. The Institute provides a framework for its members to operate effectively.

グリーン・ビルディング・インデックス(GBI) について

About The Green Building Index (GBI)
The Green Building Index (GBI) is Malaysia’s industry recognised green rating tool for buildings to promote sustainability in the built environment and raise awareness among Developers, Architects, Engineers, Planners, Designers, Contractors and the Public about environmental issues and our responsibility to the future generations.

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PO Box 10855
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W : http://www.pam.org.my

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